The Golden Ticket 16/18
Wrapping Paper from Charlie's Birthday Present 51/75
Chilly Chocolate Crème Wrapper SD 56/70
(SD ComicCon)
Nutty Crunch Wrapper SD 56/70
(SD ComicCon)
Triple Dazzle Caramel Wrapper SD 56/70
(SD Comic Con)
Whipple-Scrumptious Wrapper SD 56/70
(SD Comic Con)
Whipple-Scrumptious Wrapper 120/190
Chilly Chocolate Crème Wrapper 250/290
Nutty Crunch Surprise Wrapper 134/290
Triple Dazzle Caramel Wrapper 155/290
Wonka Display Box 094/290
(Case Card)
Salt's Factory Nut Bags & Aprons 091/324
Salt's Factory Nut Bags & Aprons 222/324
Red Ribbon from Opening Day 229/340
Smilex Toothpaste Box 293/340
Smilex Toothpaste Box 297/340
Wonka Box of Chocolates from the Pondicherry Palace 064/390
Wonka Box of Chocolates from the Pondicherry Palace 130/390
Wonka Box of Chocolates from the Pondicherry Palace 142/390
Wonka Box of Chocolates from the Pondicherry Palace 255/390
Contest Announcement Poster 151/490
Contest Announcement Poster 346/490
Unwrapped Chocolate Bar 323/490
Bucket Household Tablecloth 094/540
Whipple-Scrumptious Wrapper 1108/1530
Chilly Chocolate Crème Wrapper 1150/2330
Nutty Crunch Surprise Wrapper 1386/2330
Triple Dazzle Caramel Wrapper 0879/2330